Hello All,
2018 saw the birth of a new career for me: Executive Presentation and Communications Coach. I work with 2 different firms building individuals’ ability to communicate with more impact. I love that it uses what I know as an actor, singer, and massage therapist! I’ve watched many men and women grow to be more insightful and effective–good stuff.
The Leslie Sister Duo performed in Woodstock, my home town, to a near sold out crowd. It was exciting to see so many old family friends and hear their reactions to our stories and music.
My husband and I went on another SCUBA diving trip; this time to Cabo Pulmo, a marine reserve near the tip of the Baja Peninsula. We were amazed by the marine life: jack schools, eel gardens, whale sharks, and sea lions, to name some of our most memorable sights.
Finally, I was hired to sing for High Holy Days at a Temple on the northside of Chicago. Hundreds of pages of music, and most of it in Hebrew! It was quite a commitment!
I will be performing with the Irish Theatre of Chicago in December in Parcel From America directed by Jim Sullivan. I’m looking forward to it!!